Chemical Analysis

The target of the analysis on allows and metals is to definition of the contents of the components of an alloy for its classification according to the UNI regulations. Each investigation starts with the determing of the alloy composition.
TT has the most modern devices which guarantee a rapid and precise analysis of every kind of metallic alloy. We are able to apply the following analytical techniques:

  • Optical emission spectrometry
  • Determing of carbon and sulphur by combustion in oxygen current
  • Material classifications according to the national and international regulations
  • Chemical analysis done according to certified international standards
  • Our Instruments:
  • Quantometer BAIRD for the simultaneous analysis of 16 elements with FE Matrix.
  • Carbon determing with volumetrical gas method;
  • Device which detects the hardened layer with non-destructive method and depth varying from 0 to 1,2 mm