Mechanical Tests
The purposes of the execution of the mechanical tests are various/numerous:
» Classification of the materials
»Tests on the variation of mechanical features induced by the treatments
» Considerations on workability and structure
These tests are executed each time it becomes necessary to check the resistance features of the tested material.
The hardness test methods are based on the conduct of the metallic material to penetration. There are many scales of hardness which can be used according to the type of metallic material. TT can execute the hardness determinations in the following scales:
Rockwell A-C-D
In some cases we can also execute hardness on scale Vickers with loads from 0.025 to 10 Kg.
Our Instruments:
Durometer Galileo for the survey of hardness according to the Rockwell method with scales A,B,C,D,F>
Durometer Cisam for the survey of hardness A according to the Rockwell method with scale C
Universal durometer Frank for the survey of hardness according to the Rockwell, Brinell and Vickers methods
Microdurometer Leitz for the survey of hardness according to the Vickers method.
Microdurometer HTD 900 Cisam
These durometers permit the execution, in the proper scales, of hardness with applied loads varying from 1 gr to 186,5 Kg.